Plastic-free July, have you joined yet? - Flowcheer

Plastic-free July, have you joined yet?

Haven't you joined Plastic-Free July yet? It's not too late to join now!

In 2021, the United States discarded 510,000 tons of plastic waste, and less than 5% was recycled. The majority of it ended up in landfills.


You might be shocked by this information. We've been doing plastic recycling, and we've been putting all our used up beverage bottles, plastic laundry cans in the recycling bins, every time we're done using them. We Americans are not lazy and we value environmental protection, so why doesthis happen? Well, on average, over 80,000 tons of plastic waste enter the oceans each year. Experts say that if this continues, there will be more plastic waste in the oceans than fish, which is a terrifying thought! 


You may wonder if we have been deceived, and yes, you're right!

You can search the relevant news reports online. Most of those that can be reused have entered renewable factories, while those plastic bottles containing laundry detergent have ended up in landfills and oceans. It's terrifying to know that 700 million people use plastic laundry detergent bottles every day. I will never use traditional laundry detergent again. We only have one Earth, and we should take good care of it.

Therefore, your laundry room can be an ideal place to address the plastic problem! In the United States, over 20,000 people are taking action and fighting against plastic waste in their laundry rooms! Laundry detergent is the easiest thing to don't need to use those fluorescent and clumsy plastic containers anymore. All you need is a sheet of paper to solve this crisis. Imagine a world without liquids, without plastics, without fluorescent agents, only powerful plant based cleaning ingredients.

What would that be like?

FLOWCHEER Laundry Detergent Sheets——an environmentally friendly laundry product.


What makes it special?


Where can I purchase FLOWCHEER laundry detergent sheets?

You can purchase them through the official website or by searching "flowcheer" on Amazon.

How to join FLOWCHEER's plastic-free campaign?

Purchase the flowcheer laundry detergent sheets, take a photo of your experience and share it on your social media and mention flowcheer, chat with us and you'll be entered to win. We will refund 100% of your payment in the form of store shopping vouchers. Use it for your next purchase

This is not only a way to save money but also a fight against plastic initiated in the laundry room. We believe that we will win! Once you try our laundry detergent sheets, you won't go back to using traditional laundry products again.


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